
Google Blogging Tip # 69: Setting Up Your Blog Gadgets, Part 26

Adding 'Reactions', a Google Blog Gadget

Currently Google is pushing this Gadget. Many have asked what is it?
'Reactions' is a way of RATING your Google Blog.
You can use the three ratings that Google has or change them to any you want.
Lets get started, here is how you set-up 'Reactions':

1. Sign-in to your Google Blog.
2. Select 'Layouts.'
3. Select 'Page Elements.'
4. Look for - Blog Posts, click on 'Edit.'
5. Check the Box next to 'Reactions.'
6. Select 'Edit' next to Reactions.
7. Use Google Default or Change to your own choices.
8. Save, View Blog, go back make changes as desired.
Note: This change will now appear on all Post, old, current, and new.
See the Pictures Below with explanation captions for further clarification and assistance.

Picture shows - Layout, Page Elements, Blog Posts, Edit

Once you Click on 'Edit' Blog Post, you get a pop-up window.

In the Pop-up Window, check the BOX next to 'Reactions', then click on Edit and change the choices to what you want.
When done, don't forget to SAVE your changes, and view your Blog.

The Picture shows - The Following Blog, Google Blog Awards....

On the Post you will see 'Reactions' added to your Blog, see picture below.

For an Example of how 'Reactions' appears once added to your Blog, please Click on the LINK:
Google Blog Awards

Also, look at the bottom of the POSTS on this Blog.

Today this Blog reached a New Milestone, 200 Followers.
Thanks to everyone for your support.
Remember to be Followed you must Follow others.
Have a great weekend....
The Blog Guy

Other Items - I got several more emails about Google AdSense. As I said previously, I am checking out the different methods and styles of Ads. Once I am done testing I will offer some advice on those who have Google AdSense both for Blogs and Web pages. Please be patient.

Please Follow This Blog


Ed Hurley said...

Just added Reactions to my Blog.
Thanks Blog Guy for all the tips.

The Daily Gun Pictures and Hunting Blog said...

Just added REACTIONS to my Blog.
Thank you, good idea,
Check my when you get a chance.
Also, I am still waiting for the new Twitter Gadget, just a reminder, I know you must have a lot on your plate, lots of request and all.

Anonymous said...

Hello Blog Guy...
thank u 4 the flag update, I just posted the change, haven't been in my blog for quite awhile

also just added reactions and link post

keep the cool blog tips coming

The Blog Guy said...

Daily Gun

Yes I know I promised to do this, other things have popped up.
I am getting to it, thanks for your patience.