
Google Blogging Tip # 90: Single Player Music JavaScript

Q) On your other Blog - Blogs I am Following you posted on November 3, 2009 a response to a different Bloggers Question concerning 'How to Get The Multi Music Player Jukebox' to play only one song at a time, and allow the music player to be used more than once on a Google Blog. I understand why it wont work but but I am having problems with the code. I am sure it's me, so could you just please issue the entire code / script you want me to use?
Note: I made all the other changes to my Blog you indicated.

A) Absolutely I'd be glad to.
Click on the LINK:
to get JavaScript Music Jukebox Player Code from The Blog Guy for your Blog or Website:

Installing a Single Music Player

To Install this JavaScript on a Google Blog, follow these steps:
1) Sign-in to your Google Blog
2) From Post or Dashboard go to 'Settings'
3) Select 'Formatting'
4) Change the first line, 'show' to '1' post only (see the pictures below)
5) Save
6) Go to POST, copy and paste The Blog Guy's Music Song Player File JavaScript Code, change the player using a complete URL address.
7) In the event you want to use only one player file, and it is not a Midi (.mid) sound file you will have to apply the extension...example: .wav -or- .mp3
Note: This player plays most Midi, Wav, and mp3 sound files
If you want to play only mp3 files then use the player shown on Google Tip # 55.

See the pictures below for further help and clarification.

How to install the JavaScript on a Web Page?
1/ - Copy and Paste the JavaScript Code from The Blog Guy's Web Page into the desired location between BODY and /BODY.
2/ - Save, View Web Page, Move as desired or needed.

Do you have a Blogging Question?
Please email me or just post it to my latest comment section on any Blogging Tip. I read all my comments.

NOTE: I will catch up on all my FOLLOWERS both on my Blogs and Twitter this weekend. I have been really busy at work making a lot of one day trips.

Look for The Blog Guy's next Blogging Tip, Trick, Hint, HTML Codes, and JavaScript coming soon.

Please Follow this Blog and I will Follow You!
Also, please Follow Me on Twitter, go to the bottom of this Blogs sidebar and click on my Twitter Page, sign-in to your Twitter Account and start Following Me. I will in return Follow you.
Thank you,
The Blog Guy


Preston said...

Who cares if he bowed. President Dwight D. Eisenhower bowed to Charles de Gaulle (Leader of France) and President Richard Milhous Nixon bowed to Emperor Hirohito (Leader of Japan) but don’t let the facts get in the way, believe the lies you want but the facts stay constant.

Bizarre Foods said...

Hey Preston - wrong blog.
This Blog is about Blogging issues NOT rants-and-raves... I assume this is about some political blah blah you are pissed off about - I asked why here and who cares?

Hey Mr. Blog Guy thanks for all the tips but can you tell us how to install Blog Frog properly and get it to work?

The Daily Gun Pictures and Hunting Blog said...

Mr Blog Guy,
Back around October 31 I left you this message ...

I have visited a few Blogs that have another kind of of Follower Friends (similar to Google Friends Connect, but offered from another source) who are they and how do I get them added to my blog?

Will BlogFrog mentioned above do this?

Johnny walker red said...

Blog Guy,
thanks for it all
many of these widgets or other items that seem interesting for consideration for blogs dont have the detailed explanation of how to install them or how to make them work after they are installed
i have Wordpress and Google Blog and they dont quite work the same

Anonymous said...

so thats how you get it to work

|/|AG~Blogs/\ said...

Hey thanks for all the tips

I limit my gadgets, but I would also be interested in something like BlogFROG if it's like Google Friends-Connect just to have another FOLLOWER source.

Hope this is on your to do list soon!

The Daily Q.A. (The Professor) said...

I would like to thank all who voted and supported me for the Google Blog Award of the week. I accept it and am proud to display it on my Blog.